
Denny’s offers a wearable Black Friday deal for 2022

Denny’s is marking Black Friday with a golden ticket of a promotion, a black T-shirt that could unlock a year’s worth of free breakfast for a lucky few.

The chain has created a black T-shirt with a QR code sewn on for “easy in-restaurant redemptions,” according to a news release.

Denny’s will sell 150 of them on its merchandise site,, at midnight Eastern Standard Time, on Nov. 25. That’s 9 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Nov. 24.

Purchasers will qualify for one free meal daily for a year. It’s called the Every Value Slam, and it includes includes two eggs and two bacon strips or sausage links, and choice of two buttermilk pancakes, one slice of French toast or a biscuit and gravy.

The T-shirt costs $5.99 and is a $2,186 value, according to Denny’s.

People who try for it better have good internet. These kinds of promotions tend to sell out at blinding speed.


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