
Is Gov. Newsom Running for President? Calif. Republican Slams Governor

Bo Tefu and Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Republican Congressmember Kevin Kiley (D-CA-3) blasted Gov. Gavin Newsom in a blog post he published last week.

Once again calling up the lingering speculation that Newsom will either run for president — or eventually be selected as the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential candidate — Kiley argued that the Governor is problematic choice. He cited the Newsom administration’s track record on resolving the housing crisis, lowering taxes, and settling the state’s $68 billion debt.

“Having our taxpayers fund free healthcare for everyone here illegally, amidst an unprecedented budget deficit and border crisis – while cutting support for foster kids and other vulnerable groups – is not who we should be as a state or country,” Kiley said in the blog post.

Kiley also said Newsom’s visit to the Vatican last week to discuss climate change was a strategy to avoid addressing California’s economic state.

“The latest example: we’ve gone from a $98 billion ‘surplus’ to a $73 billion deficit, while enduring the nation’s highest taxes. To escape his own mess, Newsom is now jetting off to the Vatican to talk ‘climate,’” Kiley wrote.

Kiley also recalled a feud with the governor in his effort to overturn Proposition 47, an amendment that reclassified some felonies to misdemeanors for non-violent crimes. Kiley said Newsom filed a complaint filed against him “through a crony” but it was rejected by the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission.

When asked about four weeks ago about running for president, Newsom reiterated his support for President Biden and his confidence in his ability to govern.

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